Judith Blackburn
[email protected]07930651482
Started at Woolwich around 1977 (so so long ago) and worked my way up from cashier to Branch Manager. I also became CEMAP qualified and performed a duel role of Branch manager and Mortgage Adviser. I moved on from Woolwich to a large independent Estate Agents in Derby and I helped my previous Area Manager set up a mortgage company within the Estate Agency chain. I supported the Mortgage Advisers providing a full range of administration duties and also bookkeeper for the Company Accounts. I would take over the processing of mortgage application and protection and would liase with Lender, Solicitors, Agents etc from application right up to completion.
Some eight years ago I joined Mortgage Advice Bureau supporting advisers and clients from application to completion.
My family are the most important things in my life and I am kept busy with two daughters and five lively, adorable, fun loving Grandchildren. Sometimes a little testing but in the main the joy of my life and they are the ones who keep me feeling young.
I used to be very physically active having a love for squash, cycling and spinning but now it's time to be a spectator and my real love is watching Rugby.
I have a static on the coast in Wales and for much of the season I spend my leisure time (with my little dog) walking and exploring the area and I always ensure at the end of the walk there is a pub for a nice refreshing glass of red.